About Us

Abbott Solicitors is a business entity formed to engage in the practice of law since 2012.

Abbott Solicitors Background Statement / History:

Abbott Solicitors is a business entity formed to engage in the practice of law since 2012. The primary service provided by a firm is to advise clients (individuals or corporations) about their legal rights and responsibilities. Abbott Solicitors is dedicated to offering excellence in customer care delivering a committed, focused and professional services to all clients. Abbott Solicitors understand that only those practices that understand the needs of their clients survive in the long term.

Abbott solicitors achieved Lexcel and SQM within two years of establishments. Abbott solicitors are also providing legal aid in Immigration, Housing and debits.

Independence & Regulation

The firm operates as an independent body. This means that it provides advice and services without being influenced by any pressure that might prevent it from acting in clients’ best interests. As a firm of solicitors, the organisation is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). The SRA publishes and maintains a Handbook incorporating a Code of Conduct which we comply with.

Abbott solicitor is providing advice and services in the following categories of law:

Organisational Tenets

We serve any client regardless of colour, age, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, race, belief, religion, and disability, national or ethnic origin.

Organisational Vision

Our vision is to provide our clients with skilled legal advice in a timely and efficient manner. We strive to handle each matter with accountability and responsiveness as if we were representing ourselves.

Organisational Mission

bbott Solicitors’ Mission is to provide our clients with a network of innovative legal solutions, excellent legal representation and a dedication to a quality customer service.


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